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First Endurance

First Endurance Ultragen Recovery Drink

First Endurance Ultragen Recovery Drink

Regular price $49.96 USD
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 Ultragen represents the pinnacle of recovery blends, carefully crafted to provide optimal amounts of vital nutrients that enhance recovery, boost vitality, and solidify progress, allowing for superior training and faster recuperation. Its effectiveness is immediately apparent, with a natural taste free of synthetic flavors, sweeteners, and colors. Achieve peak performance with Ultragen Recovery Drink. Our precisely formulated blend nourishes your body with essential nutrients, promoting faster recovery and increased energy. Savor the pure taste as it revitalizes your mind and body, without any artificial additives.

Unleash the ultimate power of Ultragen for a restorative night's recovery after pushing yourself to the limit. This revitalizing elixir replenishes depleted reserves, reviving your body and mind. With Ultragen, you'll refuel, recharge, and restore immune function, ensuring you come back stronger and more determined the next day.

This formulation specifically addresses the crucial "glycogen window" that occurs 30 minutes after exercise, essential for recovery. Ultragen utilizes revolutionary technology to rapidly replenish vital nutrients and depleted energy stores, preventing over-training and promoting a quick rebound for your next session. It also provides essential support for your immune system.


Ultragen's premium protein blend optimizes your body's post-workout recovery, effectively replenishing and rejuvenating muscles that have been pushed to their limits. With its two primary components, Whey Protein Isolate and Hydrolyzed Whey Protein, Ultragen offers a powerful source of branched-chain amino acids and fast-digesting protein for maximum absorption and minimal strain on the digestive system.


Indulge in the transformative power of branched chain amino acids. These elite recovery agents not only jump-start muscle repair, but also preserve energy stores, reduce lactic acid levels, increase workload capacity, and bolster immune functions. Elevate your recovery and pave the way for peak performance.

Cortisol, known as the regulator of immune response, is a hormone controlled by the adrenal cortex. This powerful hormone is also known as an adrenalcorticol hormone, a glucocorticoid and hydrocortisone or simply cortisone. Cortisol has a catabolic (muscle breakdown) effect on tissue and is associated with a decrease in anabolic (muscle growth) hormones like IGF-1 and GH. Thus reducing levels of cortisol is ideal for an athlete to achieve tissue growth and positive adaptations to exercise training. Playing many different roles in the body, cortisol can have a negative impact on sleep, mood, sex drive, bone health, ligament health, cardiovascular health and athletic performance, potentially causing fatigue and inflammation. Its primary functions are to increase protein breakdown, inhibit glucose uptake and increase lipolysis (the breakdown of fats).

While cortisol in normal amounts is necessary for proper metabolic function, a chronically elevated cortisol level has adverse effects on health, mood, body composition, and performance. Elevated cortisol secretion from physical or mental stress causes fat, protein, and carbohydrates to be rapidly mobilized in order for the body to take action against the stressor. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘fight or flight’ response. The mobilization of these nutrients in addition to epinephrine and a number of other endocrine hormones allows the body to take quick action when presented with stress. During this mobilization, cortisol and adrenaline increase while DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) and testosterone decrease. Chronically elevated cortisol levels cause the body to enter a state of constant muscle breakdown and suppressed immune function, increasing the risk of injury while reducing muscle.

It is only with chronically elevated cortisol levels that performance will suffer, but the effect is dramatic. Excess cortisol suppresses the immune system, producing a greater risk of upper respiratory infections and depressed levels of testosterone. On top of that, the body will be in a catabolic state — breaking down muscle and storing fat. In addition to reducing muscle and getting sick, suppressed testosterone means suppressed recovery. Aerobic and anaerobic muscle fibers need time to repair and recover from hard workouts to improve their capacity to exercise. Elevated cortisol and suppressed testosterone do not allow maximized recovery, leading to slower performance gains. A Swiss study of elite male cyclists suggested that ratios of anabolic to catabolic hormones (ie. testosterone/cortisol or IGF-1/cortisol) may be useful markers for the detection of overtraining (Hug et al. 2003). In fact, scientists use this Free Testosterone/Cortisol ratio to evaluate an athlete’s training state. A ratio where cortisol is elevated indicates overtraining, so the modulation of this ratio can be key for those athletes who are susceptible to overtraining.

A literature review of hormonal responses to exercise by Steinacker et al. (2003) suggested that with glycogen deficiency, cortisol levels are elevated and induce a “myopathy-like state” in skeletal muscle. And it’s not only what is eaten but when. Breakfast is a necessity, which will help regulate blood sugar and cortisol prior to workouts. In a recent paper by Dr. Mark Davis and Dr. Adrienne Brown, it was clearly demonstrated that ingesting carbohydrates during exercise modulates many of the endocrine hormones, including cortisol. To ensure that glycogen stores are not depleted, carbohydrates should be ingested while exercising along with a high-quality recovery drink with high levels of carbohydrates immediately following exhaustive exercise. The bottom line: endurance training should not be attempted on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet.

A high dose of B vitamins and calcium can help regulate the endocrine hormones necessary for proper cortisol control. Supplementing with 4+ grams of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) and 6+ grams glutamine following exhaustive exercise can have a dramatic effect on cortisol. In fact, in a 25-week study of intercollegiate swimmers, the group supplementing with BCAAs and glutamine showed a significant decrease in serum cortisol. A study done by Stone entitled “Effects of Vitamin C on cortisol and the Testosterone: cortisol ratio” showed a decrease in cortisol levels in 17 junior elite weight lifters. This study also showed that the individuals taking vitamin C (an extra gram a day) improved their testosterone to cortisol ratio by over 20%. This type of decrease in cortisol can lead to increased muscle and connective tissue hypertrophy and enhanced recovery from training. Since vitamin C also decreases the chance of suffering from a cold or flu infection by 30% and may aid in collagen synthesis, it would be wise to take some extra vitamin C when involved in an intense training program. Beta-Carotene, which is often times used for healthy skin function, may also minimize cortisol levels according to Dr. Sapse. He suggested this in an abstract he presented at the 1997 conference on cortisol and anti-cortisols.


Intense physical exercise drains glutamine stores faster than the body can replenish them. When this occurs, the body breaks down muscles and becomes catabolic. There is evidence that supports glutamine supplementation for recovery, glycogen storage, synthesis of other amino acids and reduction of the catabolic effects of over-training.

With reduced glutamine levels, performance and recovery are also compromised. It’s been proven that glutamine levels in the serum are dramatically reduced following exhaustive exercise.

Glutamine has also been shown to aid in recovery and recuperation in addition to boosting immune function. It accomplishes this as one of the building blocks for the body’s most powerful antioxidant, glutathione, and may possibly cause extra growth hormone release with just a 4-gram oral dosage.

A strict and strenuous training program, which does not allow for enough recovery time, may cause an athlete to experience over-training syndrome (OTS). Researchers have effectively correlated OTS to amino acid imbalances. Decreased performance, decreased mood, and increased incidence of infections characterize these amino acid imbalances caused by OTS.

Athletes who exercise extensively and are suffering from OTS may become immuno-suppressed. This can lead to increased infection and upper respiratory illness. In addition, recent clinical trials have shown that overtrained endurance athletes suffer from chronic low plasma glutamine levels. Maintaining normal levels of intramuscular glutamine is critical in preventing the breakdown of skeletal muscle and catabolism (the breakdown of muscle).

There is also strong evidence that glutamine acts as an immuno-stimulant, which reduces the incidence of infection during training and racing.  The best time to take a glutamine or glutamine peptide supplement is right after a hard exercise session since glutamine stores in muscle can be depleted up to 40% after exhaustive exercise.


Branched Chain Amino Acids are also associated with a syndrome termed central fatigue. Following exhaustive exercise, BCAAs are depleted from the working muscle and from the circulating pool of amino acids. This depleted state causes an imbalance of the BCAA to Tryptophan (another amino acid) ratio. 

When BCAAs are low, Tryptophan (a precursor to serotonin) is more readily available and can cause increases in serotonin. Low levels of BCAAs cause an increase in serotonin, which causes a feeling of sleepiness and lethargy It is this imbalance that can cause an athlete to become lethargic and almost sleepy. Supplementing with higher levels of BCAAs will help stop the Tryptophan/serotonin mechanism. 

All whey protein supplements contain Tryptophan, however, only some will actually disclose an amount on the label. An effective supplement should contain at least three grams of BCAAs and minimal levels of tryptophan.

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